Ghost Chairs

Hi y’all and welcome back to the blog! This week we are continuing on with our event chair series with our ghost chairs. These chairs are super fun and modern and can be used for a variety of different events.

If you are looking for a modern feel then the ghost chair is a great option! These chairs pair beautifully with our acrylic tables. They are also a great option if you are wanting to have a fun linen that makes a statement. An unexpected place the ghost chairs also look great is in an outdoor setting. The chair being clear allows the natural elements to pop. They also come in a bar stool height. This allows you to strategically place chairs at bistro tables for additional guest seating.

Another fun element of the ghost chairs is they can be customized for your specific event. We have added company logos or branding for corporate events, duograms for weddings, or other designs to enrich your overall event design. This is a fun element you can do for all your chairs or for a select few.

While the ghost chairs are acrylic, they are still quite comfortable. So whether your event requires guests to be seated for extended periods or if seating is going to be open and flowing, your chairs will be comfortable and welcoming.

So now you know a little more about ghost chairs, we want to know, how would you use Ghost chairs for your event?

Till next time, Cheers!